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Conflict Resolution Policy

Approved by the Council of IFSTA on 5th September 2008


  1. This Policy recognises that in a diverse organisation such as the IFSTA that there will be, from time to time, disagreements or misunderstandings between members. The members of the IFSTA wish to see any such disagreements or misunderstandings settled by amicable discussions and a transparent policy.
  2. In the event that a member country has an issue with another member country they should invoke this policy as set out below.


  1. This policy can only be invoked by a senior officer of a member country who shall also be an IFSTA Council Member. The Policy will be carried out in four steps.
  2. Step one—this should last no longer than eight weeks:
    1. The senior officer of the member country who considers that they have a reason to invoke the policy will contact the senior officer of the member country against which they wish to invoke the policy.
    2. The initial contact, if not made in writing (by letter, e-mail or fax), must be confirmed in writing within 14 days and must clearly set out the reasons for the complaint.
    3. A copy of this complaint shall be sent to the CEO of the IFSTA.
    4. The senior officer of the member country, who shall also be an IFSTA Council Member, will respond in writing within 28 days of receipt of the complaint in writing.
    5. A copy of this response shall be sent to the CEO of the IFSTA.
    6. It is hoped that all issues can be resolved directly between the parties at this stage.
  3. Step two—this should last no longer than a further eight weeks:
    1. If the matter is not resolved between the parties the matter will be passed to the CEO of the IFSTA.
    2. The CEO will review the paperwork and make such contacts as is appropriate to better understand the issues and will attempt to broker a resolution.
  4. Step three—this should last no longer than a further eight weeks:
    1. If the matter is not resolved by the intervention of the CEO it will pass to the Regional President; unless one of the countries involved is represented by the Regional President. In such cases this step will be omitted.
    2. The Regional President will contact both parties, seek further information as necessary and attempt to mediate to secure a settlement. If this does not produce a settlement, a meeting of the Regional Committee will be called to consider the complaint and make recommendations.
    3. The CEO will be kept fully informed of progress, copied into correspondence and, if necessary, will be involved in conference calls etc.
  5. Step four—this should last no longer than a further eight weeks:
    1. If the matter remains unresolved it will be passed to the full Council of the IFSTA.
    2. The CEO will prepare and circulate a report enclosing all relevant documentation.
    3. A meeting of the Council will be called at which both parties will be invited to address the Council and answer questions.
    4. The Council, having considered the complaint and all related documentation, shall decide by a secret ballot to either uphold the complaint or to reject it.
    5. The CEO shall inform both parties of the decision of Council.
    6. The decision of Council shall be final and binding on both parties.