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Update from RLSS Cameroon Member Updates

Update from RLSS Cameroon

By Justin Bakinga, RLSS Cameroon President I have the honour and the pleasure to advise you that the Royal Life Saving Society Cameroon Branch (RLSS Cameroon Branch) is gaining more recognition as the from local governmental authorities as we are working hard to expand our drowning prevention, water safety education,…
Brett Preston
12th August 2015
Recent News from RLSS Cameroon Member Updates

Recent News from RLSS Cameroon

Drowning prevention, aquatic survival and lifesaving training continue in Cameroon despite hardships and persecutions. In Limbe, located in the South-West region of Cameroon where drowning is widely prevalent, the Royal Lifesaving Society Cameroon (RLSS Cameroon) continues to empower women and young people from poor and marginalised communities. RLSS Cameroon has…
Brett Preston
9th June 2015
22 Lives Saved in Dramatic Near-Drowning Rescues – Irish Water Safety to Honour Remarkable Rescuers Member Updates

22 Lives Saved in Dramatic Near-Drowning Rescues – Irish Water Safety to Honour Remarkable Rescuers

George's Hall, Dublin Castle, Tuesday 18th November 2014, 15:00 - 17:00 Thirty-five rescuers from twenty dramatic near-death incidents will receive recognition at Irish Water Safety's National Awards Ceremony at George's Hall, Dublin Castle on Tuesday 18th November 2014, from 3pm to 5pm. Twenty-two lives were saved from drowning through the…
Brett Preston
12th November 2014
Opposition Eat Bubbles as Clare Become National Lifeguard Champions 2013 Member Updates

Opposition Eat Bubbles as Clare Become National Lifeguard Champions 2013

Fresh from saving hundreds of lives from drowning during the summer hot spell, Ireland's top Lifeguards gathered yesterday at Wexford's "Saving Private Ryan" beach, Curracloe, to do some saving of their own, this time pitting their skills against one another for the title of National Surf Lifesaving Champions 2013. The…
Brett Preston
30th September 2013
Ireland Produces Two European Champion Titles at Junior Lifesaving Championships in Italy Member Updates

Ireland Produces Two European Champion Titles at Junior Lifesaving Championships in Italy

Ireland took two 'European Junior Champion' titles in the European Junior Lifesaving Championships, which took place in Riccione, Italy from 6th-8th September. The Championships simulate real life rescue situations that Lifeguards can expect to encounter as Lifesavers and pits the best Junior Lifesavers from around Europe against each other in…
Brett Preston
30th September 2013