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70% of Parents Think Swimming Is Most Important Sport for Kids

By 13th May 2019July 31st, 2019Press Releases

For International Learn to Swim Week, STA UK, the founding member of IFSTA, revealed the findings of a new report which shows that 70% of parents think swimming is the most important sport for children to learn—with 62% saying its an invaluable life skill.

However, while this research suggests British parents understand the true importance of swimming, the reality is a lot different with only a third of parents saying they take their children swimming at least once a week, with membership costs and inflexible pool opening times being cited as the main reasons.

This independent research has been published to coincide with International Learn to Swim Week; a campaign led by STA UK, a leading educational charity dedicated to the teaching of swimming and lifesaving skills, to promote the importance of learning to swim and water safety education.

The full findings of the report can be read on STA UK’s website, along with a free downloadable swimming pack for parents, which shares advice on how they can support their child’s swimming journey, and how to make the most of family-fun swimming sessions.