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Lifeguards Rescued 413 Irish Swimmers Last Month

By 6th August 2014May 17th, 2019Member Updates

The CEO of Irish Water Safety, John Leech, is urging the public to use the Local Authority manned lifeguarded bathing places to ensure there are no more swimming tragedies this summer. Please take heed of advice given by the lifeguards and supervise your children, as lifeguards are not baby sitters. Lifeguards rescued 413 casualties from Irish beaches, rivers and lakes during the month of July, that is 146 less than for last July during that memorable heat wave.

There were 353 lost children reunited with their parents There were another 8,442 accidents prevented by the proactive actions of our lifeguards.

The CEO is also warning the public that due to the high temperatures in our waters, the prevailing westerly winds and Atlantic current, potentially dangerous jellyfish are appearing on our beaches. Portuguese man o ‘war jelly fish have been reported on Bunmahon and Clonea strand in Waterford, whilst barrel jellyfish have been reported on beaches in Cork.

For information on jellyfish and treatment of stings, click here.