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From China to Scotland

By 4th June 2013May 17th, 2019Member Updates

We’re not sure if there is a record for a distance that a candidate has travelled to an STA course, but travelling all the way from China to Scotland to attend a four-day Baby and Pre-school course must be up there, being a 10,000 mile round-trip!

Peng Chen and his wife TianTian Sun travelled for 24 hours with their 10-month old daughter Ginny in February to attend the course being held at Inverkeithing High School.

They are pictured here with their STA Course Tutor Tom Gray and his wife Cecilia after they had successfully passed their practical and theory exam.

Tom said: “Both Peng and TianTian intend to start up BPC lessons as soon as they can get a pool that is suitable, which is not easy in their area they live but they are more than determined to make it work.

I’d also like to say a big thank you to Lynne Prichard and Brett Preston at Anchor House for making this possible.”